Marc was alone with his dog, down by the dam near town. It was his 25th birthday, and he asked for a "birthday sighting." Around midnight, it was raining heavily. Marc "was experimenting with thought control over the degree of rain", we are told. Several times he asked mentally for the rain to "speed up," and it did. Then he asked for a "slow down," and this occurred on cue. Then the rain stopped. A heavy mist was arising from the ground. Suddenly he was aware of a humanoid from a few feet in front of him. It seemed to be made of a mist-like substance, denser than the ground mist, but not totally "solid". No sound or words were heard. As the figure faded away, Marc noticed some bright white lights behind the trees.
Something then rose into the sky, an oblong lighted object "which he knew instinctively was a spacecraft." It paused at a low angle, behind a cloud. Marc blinked his flashlight at the UFO, in a dots-and-dashes sequence. Immediately, the light in the sky blinked on-and-off in the same exact sequence. In a few seconds, it rose into the sky and was gone.
Such is what a ufology catalogue and some web pages tell. It allegedly occurred on May 18, 1978, in Mahopac in the State of New York, USA.
An article in a sensationalistic UFO magazine in 1988 also tells that, as well as a good number other alleged extraterrestrial encounters by Marc, in which he generally summons telepathically the arrival of UFOS which come to fly there at his request.
The alleged witness "Marc", is Marc Brinkerhoff, who has a website that tells much, much more than reported above.
He describes himself as a contactee who has been onboard extraterrestrial spacecraft and had multiple encounters with benevolent beings; which he says have been documented by SBI, Scientific Bureau of Investigation headed by Pete Mazzola.
He says he captured photographs of spacecraft, that his early photographs and encounters were thoroughly investigated 1979 through 1981 by the SBI, that he started capturing new UFO photos in 2009 which were in a magazine article in 1988.
He says he is "Born without the veil", a clairvoyant, clairaudient, "medium, etc.", a "Mystic Artist" able to see and illustrate "beings that exist beyond our dimension, such as Guardian Angels, Higher Selves and/or Oversouls plus higher dimensional Extraterrestrials, and inhabitants of the Elemental Kingdom."
He says he is a "Soul Traveler", has "Paranormal Abilities - Clear channel, animal intuitive, Elemental Kingdom advocate."
He shows a number of "UFO photos" in his web site's pictures gallery; which mostly look just like "BLURFOs", blurry small ordinary things, such as a flock of birds with recognizeable wings.
Others look like party balloons. No picture of entities or spacecraft with any details appear.
Encounters are described by paintings of the "space brothers" type - aliens are human-looking, handsome, with shoulder-long hairset.
There are also "Channeled art of non-physical beings" that are for sale in his web store.
[Ref. hk1:] HAROLD SALKIN:
Marc Brinkerhoff, extraordinary photographer of spacecraft and alien beingsIn UFOlogical terms, if anyone sees a UFO more than once or claims numerous encounters, they are known as a "repeater." In this category would be placed the likes of the late George Adamski who claimed many rides aboard interplanetary craft, Billy Meier the Swiss farmer who has a foot thick scrapbook of photos showing beamships from the Pleiades (Plajarans), and the Florida businessman known as "Mr. Ed" who says his home in Gulf Breeze is being buzzed on a regular basis by a Chinese Coolie hat-shaped vehicle of otherworldly origins. Because they feel the odds of meeting up with an ET even once has to be in the million to one range, most consevative UFO researchers and the variouus "scientific minded" investigative groups tend to frown on the claims of such individuals. For the most part, they do not take too kindly to the likes of "repeaters," though there are always a few exceptions to any rule. One young man, however, has attracted the attention of some sane and sober UFOlogists despite what may seem to be "far out" and unproven claims of meetings with extraterrestrials. For not only does Marc Brinkerhoff claim to have established an ongoing relationship with aliens, but he also seems to have the uncanny ability to point his camera at the heavens and take photographs of things that have no business being in the sky. Marc's first UFO experience took place when he was just five years old on an athletic field near the Mahopac, NY high school. As best as he can recall, it was around 3 P.M. when he observed a large silvery sphere, "like the metal ball in a pin-ball machine. No sound was heard," but he does remember, "receiving a feeling of great love from it." Since that day, Brinkerhoof contends that extraterrestrials have been contacting him and other humans. Apparently, they are programming us to save the world and the universe from a possible destruction. He sees the aliens as being benevolent, human-like, 'Space Brothers," who are here NOT to harm us, but to lead us along the path to spiritual enlightnment and to usher in the New Age. The mild mannered UFO contactee further believes that in a previous incarnation he lived in another galaxy, and that his mission in this life is to teach love to his fellow man. Marc says the beings he's in touch with come from the constellation surrounding the star Bootes. He further contends that he mentally talks to them and that they have appeared to him in the form of a white glowing light from which seven human-like forms emerged. He says they once surrunded him for 10 minutes to infuse him with love and then disappeared. Since then, Marc says he's been taking photos of spaceships from this field in NY state on the instruction of these beings. Here is a summation of some of Marc Bringerhoff's experiences. 1963 NOVA SCOTIA Marc was in the 5th grade. During the summer he was with his family on Prince Edward Island, waiting for a ferry, when a "huge cigar-shaped UFO appeared, making a loud humming noise, like a swarm of bees." As the party watched, it suddenly rose and sailed out of sight. 1964 MAHOPAC, NY While watching the stars at night, behind the school, Marc spotted a "moving star." He had a telepathic contact. He seemed to be receiving descriptions of the different types of UFOs. 1965 MAHOPAC, NY While attending a drive-in movie, Marc saw several UFOs in the night sky. 1965 MAHOPAC NY 9:00 P.M., had sighting near the school. He telepathically asked for something to appear, and moments later a UFO came into view. 1965 MAHOPAC NY It was night, and Marc was asleep in his bedroom when he suddenly woke up and went to the window. He looke up at the sky and saw a large UFO. 1967 MAHOPAC NY "I was with an older person. He and I were looking out over the back yard area, where a 6-inch layer of snow had fallen. Suddenly we saw two strange white lights in the southern sky approaching us and growing larger. We called to my parents who came outside and joined us. "As the UFO approached, we could make out definite shapes - the traditional disc-like configuration. The objects paused at a fairly low elevation, one being closer to us than the other. On the closer object, we could clearly see a curved "window" extending all around the forward rim, and it appeared to be lighted from within. "Suddenly the lights inside became much brighter - so bright that my parents and my brother had to turn their eyes away. However, for some reason, my eyes were not disturbed by the glow, and I could make out six or seven figures standing at the window, looking down at us. In fact, it seemed as if the second figure in line was waving at me! "Then the two ships moved back to the south, and disappeared from our view. However, a few minutes later, another UFO came over the house, sending down a bright, angular beam of light which lit up the entire area behind the neighbor's hedge." SAME NIGHT About 7:30 P.M., Marc went alone to the school area, to try for a "contact" which he felt might be coming. In a few minutes, his hopes were rewarded, as he spied two large egg-shaped objects over the school. "I stood in the snow, and it was very cold out, but some sort of a "heat ray" was coming from the ships, and I felt no discomfort whatsoever. "I mentally asked them, 'Why don't you land?' The answer came back, 'We're too large. A landing would cause too much commotion now.' The UFOs then maneuvered according to my mental instructions, going to the right to the left, backward and forward as I requested. "I remainded there another two hours, actually sitting in the wet snow, but feeling perfectly comfortable because of the heat ray being beamed down on me. The ships then sent a telepathic message of 'Good night' and graually moved higher, until they appeared to be stars in the sky." OCTOBER 1971 At 8:40 A.M. Marc was driving on Croton Falls Road with a girlfriend. Suddenly a huge 'double' object, like two footballs fastened together at the middle, appeared over the rees lining the road. It was as big as a large plane, but made no sound. The apparent size was 12 inches at arm's length. JUNE 1976 At Mahopac, with a friend and his cousin, Douglas. All looked up and saw a silver ball travellilng slowly overhead, at a height of several thousand feet -- totally soundless. During these telepathic communications, Marc was told they are from the Constellation Bootes, one of the known constellations in our Milky Way Galaxy. The people are from 5 feet to 8 feet tall. PHOTOS TAKEN BY MARC -- CAMERA: 257 INSTAMATIC APRIL 1977 Marc was in the schoolyard from 11:30 P.M to 1:00 A.M. He followed his usual procedure of aiming his camera at a part of the sky which he felt telepathically was what they wanted. Though no UFO was visible to his eye, he snapped the shutter when he felt the impulse to do so, and when the film was developed a picture was seen. Most of his pictures were taken this way. OCTOBER 1977 Marc in schoolyard at night, following same procedure as before: pointing camera as directed telepathically. Result was one frame in roll, after developing, which showed a speck of light on a dark background. It was about 1/8 inch diameter. This was enlarged many times, until it became visible to the eye. It was a circular, lighted area, yellowish in color, with a humanoid figure silhoutted in front and to one side of center. The head, arm and part of the body can be seen. Marc said this was the porthole of a spacecraft, with a spaceman shown in the silhouette. OCT-NOV-DEC 1977 Six shots show a green crescent-shaped streak of light which he says were "probes" he requested. FALL 1977 Four photos showing different shaped objects; one is a disc with a beam shooting down from it; another is a deep red coneshaped object; another is in two sections; a fourth was taken with Ralph Grieco as a witness (3:30 AM, Nov. 20, 1977) showing an egg-shaped UFO with a ball beneath its center. MOVIE FILM TAKEN BY MARC MARCH 1978 Bright, orange-colored disc was filmed in action over schoolyard in Mahopac. Marc calls it a "scout ship." On film for 3 or 4 seconds, or about 20 frames. COMMUNICATION BY FLASHLIGHT WITH UFOs - also, creature contact: MAY 18, 1978 MAHOPAC Marc was alone with his dog, down by the dam near town. It was his 25th birthday, and he asked for a "birthday sighting." Around midnight, it was raining heavily. Marc was experimenting with thought control over the degree of rain. Several times he asked mentally for the rain to "speed up," and it did. Then he asked for a "slow down," and this occurred on cue. Then the rain stopped. A heavy mist was arising from the ground. Suddenly he was aware of a humanoid from a few feet in front of him. It seemed to be made of a mist-like substance, denser than the ground mist, but not totally "solid". No sound or words were heard. As the figure faded away, Marc noticed some bright white lights behind the trees. Something then rose into the sky, an oblong lighted object which he knew instinctively was a spacecraft. It paused at a low angle, behind a cloud. Marc blinked his flashlight at the UFO, in a dots-and-dashes sequence. Immediately, the light in the sky blinked on-and-off in the same exact sequence. In a few seconds, it rose into the sky and was gone. JUNE 2, 1978 MAHOPAC At 1:20 AM, Marc and Phyllis were on the grounds, asking mentally for a contact. Marc flashed his flashlight and a white light appeared in the sky. Marc flashed three times, and the UFO flashed the same sequence back. It moved to the left and flashed three times, then diagonally upward, then back to the original spot, flashing three times at each point in the triangle formed. Lately, Marc professes to have been receiving telepathic material which he has written down in longhand in several notebooks. He has collaborated with several people in this upstate area who have gotten similar data. One experiment, to verify the material, was this: Marc would sit in one room of his house with a collaborator in another room. Marc would ask a question mentally, and the collaborator would telepathically receive both the question and the answer. The nature of the answer was such that it was judged to be coming from the "Mother Ship" which Marc strongly believes he is in communication with. Marc is also an extremely gifted artist and has many paintings of space craft, scenes from other planets, and unicorns which he has made several commercially successful posters of. And while Marc is not shy about telling his experiences in public, he has been extremely selective about doing certain radio and TV shows, telling his story only to those in the media who seem sincerely interested in finding out the truth about UFOs. Does Marc actually have the ability to take photos of space ships, or is something equally strange going on? Does he, as some parapsychologist might suggest, have the ability to psychically imprint certain shapes and forms onto the film, giving the impression that they are authentic UFOs, when, in fact, they might be a form of mental projection? There is, naturally, no proof that this is what is transpiritng, though certain "gifted" individuals such as Uri Geller and Ted Serios seemed to be able to perform such feats of mental manipulation which goes beyond the accepted fringe of science. Or is it possible that Marc is who he claims to be? Is it possible that he is a sort of a "Walk-In' who has arrived for spiritual purposes to help heal the wounds of humankind? Frankly, there are more questions than we have the available answers for. But, the fact is Marc Brinkerhoff has photographic PROOF that something is just "not right," and hopefully with proper investigation we can come up with some reasonable conclusions. |
The alleged witness has a website:
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He describes himself as a contactee who has been onboard extraterrestrial spacecraft and had multiple encounters with benevolent beings; which he says have been documented by SBI, Scientific Bureau of Investigation headed by Pete Mazzola.
He says he captured photographs of spacecraft, that his early photographs and encounters were thoroughly investigated 1979 through 1981 by the SBI, that he started capturing new UFO photos in 2009 which were in a magazine article in 1988.
He says he is "Born without the veil", a clairvoyant, clairaudient, "medium, etc.", a "Mystic Artist" able to see and illustrate "beings that exist beyond our dimension, such as Guardian Angels, Higher Selves and/or Oversouls plus higher dimensional Extraterrestrials, and inhabitants of the Elemental Kingdom."
He says he is a "Soul Traveler", has "Paranormal Abilities - Clear channel, animal intuitive, Elemental Kingdom advocate."
He shows a number of "UFO photos" in his web site's pictures gallery; which mostly look just like "BLURFOs", blurry small ordinary things, such as a flock of birds with recognizeable wings:
![]() |
Others look like party balloons. No picture of entities or spacecraft with any details appear.
Encounters are described by paintings of the "space brothers" type - aliens are human-looking, handsome, with shoulder-long hairset.
There are also "Channeled art of non-physical beings" that are for sale in his web store.
Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in Mahopac, New York, on May 18, 1978, near midnight, the witness was walking with his dog near a local dam; it was raining at the time. At the moment the witness was practicing his mental powers and was apparently able to control the speed of the rain. As the rain stopped a heavy mist began rising from the ground. He suddenly noticed a humanoid figure standing a few feet away. The figure seemed to be composed of a dense fog like substance. As the figure faded away the witness noticed some bright lights behind the trees. An oblong-lighted object then rose up into the sky. It paused at a low angle and the witness signaled at it with his flashlight using dots and dashes sequence. The object blinked back in response using the same sequence then rose higher and vanished.
Albert Rosales indicates that the source is "Harold Salkin, UFO Universe November 1988."
Can anyone really believe this ridiculous charlatanesque hocus-bogus?
Id: | Topic: | Severity: | Date noted: | Raised by: | Noted by: | Description: | Proposal: | Status: |
None. |
"Contactee"-type tall tales.
* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.
Main Author: | Patrick Gross |
Contributors: | None |
Reviewers: | None |
Editor: | Patrick Gross |
Version: | Created/Changed By: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | January 6, 2012 | Creation, [hs1], [mb1], [ar1]. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | January 6, 2012 | First published. |