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URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at patrick.gross@inbox.com, please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here.


Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

In 1989, at a UFO and UFO abduction conference, a woman named Joyce Updike reported that in August 1967, a UFO landed in her farmyard and consequently visited her, but she was not aware of that then, although she apparently saw a light filling the house and the backyard and said she woke up with her clothes on despite the summer heat.

Watching a TV show about UFOs and aliens, she heard of Dr. Leo Sprinkle and went to see him. Dr. Sprinkle used hypnosis on her, and she thus learned that she had been abducted by aliens not only in 1967 but also in October 1959 in North Platte, Nebraska, USA.

Dr Sprinkle's hypnosis convinced her that she met two space people there, to he embarrassment because she was not properly dressed when it supposedly happened.

She further explains that all knowledge come from the "Akashic Record", that her daughter no longer needs to work in her studies as she can read the answers of the tests in her teachers minds. she tells her other children that they were in the spacecraft too but they do not remember. She says that she cannot trust clocks anymore: when she goes, the clock stops; when she stops, the clock goes.

She said the aliens have beautiful helmets with a little nose guard and little golden wingtips. They are a peaceful people, but she remembers little of what they told her, something about some Earth changes, and something should have been done a 1000 years ago, but if it isn't done in a week "then the result will be blah blah blah!"

A ufology catalogue adds that they wore "space suit like" outfits, thick soled shoes, one of the men was holding two metal rods that he was aiming at her, while the other climbed over a nearby wire fence and walked to a landed object, partly hidden by a hill. She then found herself inside the object on top of an examining table, two men of average height and well built stood next to her, another man wearing a three piece loose fitting "surgical" outfit with a hood and a smoke colored visor over the eyes, stood by a circular, glass covered instrument panel, and he also wore gauntlet gloves with pointed pincer type clamps. This man approached her, raised her right arm by the elbow, "at this point all conscious recall ended."

Joyce Updike said the aliens talk about air rescue plans, that they showed her maps of stars and constellations which she do not remember. Some of the alien women have little dots on their foreheads which resemble the star maps, but the men have some little dots, too.

She says that when she was 5 she saw an angel dissolve into the solid concrete wall of her bedroom; which had become transparent, and that her knowledge and spiritual beliefs must have been given to her that night.

A skeptical UFO book says that she had summoned "Hatonn of the Intergalactic Fleet or Space Command or Whatever" as she did not remember his exact grade, an alien responded to her telepathic call, they chatterred and in the end the alien told her: "This is Hatonn of the Intergalactic Fleet or Space Command or Whatever. You see, we enjoy a good laugh, too."

She says that the space brothers are brainwashing people through television and advertising for our own good, as they told her, and she believes in their good faith. She affirms that according to "The Plan" you will be aware of their reality.

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-000547
Date of event: October 1959
Earliest report of event: 1986?
Delay of report: 27 years?
Witness reported via: Not known.
First alleged record by: UFO book by psychic.
First certain record by: UFO contacts conference papers.
First alleged record type: UFO book by psychic.
First certain record type: UFO contacts conference papers.
This file created on: March 14, 2008
This file last updated on: March 14, 2008
Country of event: USA
State/Department: Nebraska
Type of location: Near a country road.
Lighting conditions: Not reported. Evening.
UFO observed: Yes
UFO arrival observed: No
UFO departure observed: Yes
UFO/Entity Relation: Certain
Witnesses numbers: 1
Witnesses ages: 5 and on
Witnesses types: Not reported. Little girl then woman.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: No.
Witnesses-approved drawing: No.
Number of entities: Several
Type of entities: Human
Entities height: Average
Entities outfit type: Space suit, thick sole shoes, helmets with winglets, surgeon clothes, etc.
Entities outfit color: Not reported.
Entities skin color: Not reported.
Entities body: Human, well built.
Entities head: Not reported. Nice helmets with folded winglets and nose guard.
Entities eyes: Yes.
Entities mouth: Not reported.
Entities nose: Not reported.
Entities feet: Not reported.
Entities arms: Not reported.
Entities fingers: Not reported.
Entities fingers number: Not reported.
Entities hair: Not reported.
Entities voice: Uncertain. Telepathy.
Entities actions: Abduct witness in UFO, medical examination, numerous other contacts, telepathy etc.
Entities/witness interactions: Abduct witness in UFO, medical examination, numerous other contacts, telepathy etc.
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, went.
Witness(es) feelings: Frightened.
Witness(es) interpretation: Our benevolent Space Brothers.
Explanation category: Possible delusions reinforced by the use of hypnosis.
Explanation certainty: High.




I enjoy hearing the events that gets other people interested in this field of study, so perhaps you will find a treasure or at least a tidbit in mine.

In 1967, a UFO landed in my farmyard. I think it's fair to say that a UFO spotted me, and consequently visited me; but, I wasn't aware of it for several years. After I had seen the light filling the house and the farmyard, I locked the house and went to bed. It didn't seem right, that I could have just gone to bed, but I did. I woke up during the night with all my clothes on and on top of the bedcovers in the heat of August. Nothing quite made sense: I thought about it for thirteen years, then the time was right to do something.

Watching the TV show, The Strange Harvest, I heard Dr. Sprinkle. My son-in-law in New Mexico knew Dr. Sprinkle and took me to visit Leo, who regressed me. I found that I had been on the ship! and that I liked the people very much. I also learned that I had been on another ship in 1959!

I had no conscious memory of it, but it seems that it was all prearranged. It took place in North Platte, NE, in October. I drove my little red Rambler station wagon out to the pasture to meet two space people. I was barefoot, and wearing a housedress and apron. Ladies, you will remember that, in 1959, you didn't leave the house dressed like that unless the house was on fire! When I learned the details, I was so proud of having met my space brothers, and so very ashamed of having been dressed in an apron and no shoes! For the longest time, when I told the story, I didn't tell about the apron!

As I noticed my normal (up until then) behavior changing, I tried to act as I always had, but it wouldn't work. I'm afraid some people thought I was getting goofy! Little by little over the years, I read and studied so many different subjects - many of which I really am not interested in.

I find that I read everything I can find on a particular subject, practically memorizing the material, and then I change the subject. I learned that it wasn't I who was at the wheel, but I don't know now: maybe I'm a slow learner.

My children have all suffered or enjoyed altered lives along these lines, too. They all survived it though. They do not remember being on board spacecraft, but I rib them about it. They were all straight kids and earned good grades - my third daughter didn't have to study, she said, because she could pull the answers out of the teacher's head on test day! It may have been a community experience! They're all grown now, so I don't have to be the 'heavy."

I have learned that I cannot under any circumstances, trust TIME. When I go, the clock stops; when I stop, the clock goes! I get into so much trouble. I can't trust the clocks around me anymore. I've had so many time-losses that I don't know whether I'll be in Laramie an hour or a week. When I look at a clock, I wonder how long it has been in that position! I try to attach myself to a person who doesn't do the same things I do.

I described the beings to Leo, and a friend in Denver even sculpted them for me. Their helmets are beautiful; they have a little nose guard and little golden wingtips. They are a peaceful people; I wonder why they mess with us?

I don't remember most, if anything, of what I was told while on the ship. Sometimes though, when the information comes, it's so urgent, it comes in the grocery store. I feel so self-conscious.

A good deal of the information regards some Earth changes, and that the deed should have been done a thousand years ago, but if it isn't done in a week then the result will be blah blah blah! You all know how it is in this!

I don't know what it is all for, but I do know that they talk about rescue plans, from what, or by whom, I don't know, but an air rescue. They may draw information from the Akashic Records. I haven't asked. I accept that the Akashic Records are the source of all knowledge.

They have shown me maps of stars and constellations which I do not remember. Some of the women have little dots on their foreheads which resemble the starmaps, but then the men have some little dots, too. There seems to be very little difference in the capabilities of the two.

Sometimes the information comes when I ask, and then it will come when I really don't need the inconvenience. I have undergone some changes in my spiritual life and beliefs.

When I was five, I awoke just in time to see an angel dissolve into the solid concrete wall! I jumped up to tell my parents, and saw right through the wall into their bedroom. The wall was real enough, though, to bounce me off. I believe my spiritual beliefs were given to me then. I have generally kept those beliefs, but now it is very real to me.

I think that I might not only have walked into this body, but that I might have been walked out on too! I call myself Yarba. I think every person - every race - will be contacted by the spacebrothers. There is need for every race to tell the newspapers. Some of us are vocal; some of us are not. The information that is important is that which has been implanted within each person, and not by the paper or TV, or by a skeptical neighbor. The space brothers will teach you, and will call on you as they require. We are being brainwashed in a seemingly nice way - TV, advertising, the works - by the space brothers for our own good, so they tell me, and I trust them. Block it out if you will, but I think the day will come when the awareness will be upon you and you'll not want to squelch it. It is "According to the Plan."

Question: The Earth's population is about 4 billion 800 million (at the time this lecture was given)... we are 500 million. How many white people actually receive the information you profess, and do any of the non-white races receive it?

Joyce: I don't think that anyone is exempted or immune to the call, but I think that because of different cultural training, some people will tell a man on the street that they have just seen an angel. I think that when the purpose is known, the races will be then the Race of the Earth.


Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in North Platte, Nebraska, in 1959, in the evening, Joyce Updike recalls standing by a country road waiting, when she saw two men approach, the two men wore "space suit like" outfits, headgear resembling old style diving helmets and thick soled shoes. One of the men was holding two metal rods that he was aiming towards the witness, while the other climbed over a nearby wire fence and walked to a landed object, partly hidden by a hill. She then found herself inside the object on top of an examining table, two men wearing winged type skullcaps stood next to her. They seemed to be of average height and well built. Another man wearing a three piece loose fitting "surgical" outfit with a hood and a smoke colored visor over the eyes, stood by a circular, glass covered instrument panel, and he also wore gauntlet gloves with pointed pincer type clamps. The man approached the witness and raised her right arm by the elbow, at this point all conscious recall ended.

Albert Rosales indicates that the source is Ruth Montgomery, Aliens Among us.


The author indicates that there are indications that "Space People" have a sense of humor, and he provides as an example that in the summer of 1983, Joyce Updike of Ovid, Colorado, tried to contact them by telepathy, asking to get in touch with "Hatonn, the Record Keeper of the Intergalactic Fleet or Space Command or Whatever", explaining that she had forgotten his exact title.

The author says a "Space Person" responded, had a conversation with her, and when it was over he said: "This is Hatonn of the Intergalactic Fleet or Space Command or Whatever. You see, we enjoy a good laugh, too."

Points to consider:

Dr. Ronald Leo Sprinkle (born 1930) is an American psychologist who studied at the University of Colorado and earned his Ph.D. at the University of Missouri. He was possibly the first academic figure to investigate tales of alleged alien abduction, as soon as the 1960s. He used hypnosis to allegedly "recover suppressed memories" of people who suspected they were abducted by aliens and on the base of theses "recovered" stories, he told them and his readers that he concludes they were really abducted by aliens. Eventually, he became convinced that he too had been abducted by aliens. He was the founder of the "Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation" in 1980.

Ruth Montgomery (1913 - 2001), claimed that she discovered that she had the gift of "automatic writing" by which she could communicate with various deceased personalities. She wrote many books about alleged psychic powers, alleged "out of body experiences" and alleged communication with the dead, and one book in which she introduced the story by Joyce Updike, "Aliens Among Us."

"Professor Solomon", aka Professor Snickerdoodle, is the literary pseudonym of someone who defines himself as a "findologist" and authors books about science tricks, faked "discoveries" in archaelogy as skeptical demonstration, and a book that ridicules the UFO topic.

The case shows that the border between "the contactees in the Fifties" and "the UFO abductees" is not necessarily as clear cut as some ufology schools of thought have proposed.

What happens is that when you put someone who came to see you with the idea that maybe she was abducted by aliens but does not remember in the state of hypnosis, just about any sort of memories of aliens would surface. Not real aliens that were really met in real life! But any possible souvenir of forgotten dream, or any memory of a sci-fi show or movie, UFO documentary, book or magazine. and then, thanks to careless ufologist, you would end up really convinced that you met aliens.

Real memories recovered by hypnosis, yes, but real memories of any possible fiction. The case illustrate the dangers of this uncontrolled approach, as it can reinforce all kinds of beliefs.

In the 1980's, a number of British ufologists, and ufologists from other countries, realized that, and it materialized in Great Britain by a moratorium on the use of hypnosis by BUFORA, the British UFO Research Association, by the very pioneers of the use of hypnosis in Great Britain. This was a wise decision!

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:


Possible delusions reinforced by the use of hypnosis.

Sources references:

* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

Document history:


Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross March 14, 2008 Creation, [ju1], [ps1], [ar1].
1.0 Patrick Gross March 14, 2008 First published.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2008