The data used concerning the position of the witnesses are:
Latitude: |
50 ° 38 ' 27 '' N | (decimal: 50.640833) |
Longitude: |
5 ° 59 ' 50 '' E | (decimal: 5.997222) |
Altitude: |
240 meters |
The date is November 29, 1989, the considered timeframe extends from 06:00 p.m. to 07:31 p.m, the time when Venus set under a flat horizon, these times are in local time (GMT+1).
Note: “considered timeframe” does not mean “the exact time of the sighting” nor “the temporal extension of the sighting” but a timeframe inside which the sighting is really included.
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The magnitude of Venus is -5.5 during the sighting (the maximum being -4.4). About 37 % of the surface of Venus is enlighted by the Sun. The apparent diameter of Venus is of 32.7 ''.
The distance between Venus and the Earth is of 0.509018 AU i.e. 76.15 million kilometers at the considered timeframe.
Note: The apparent magnitudes scale, i.e. the apparent luminosities scale, is not linear, it is logarithmic and also reversed: the lowest magnitudes correspond to the most brilliant objects, a gain of 1 magnitude corresponds to an object 2.5 times less shining.
hPA 1008 6°C |
hPa 1010 10°C |
Time: | Azimuth: | Elevation: | |
18:10 | 213 ° 42 ' 19.5 " | 8 ° 3 ' 28.7 " | 8 ° 3 ' 23.8 '' |
18:15 | 214 ° 45 ' 41.6 '' | 7 ° 37 ' 5.5 '' | 7 ° 37 ' 0.3 '' |
18:20 | 215 ° 48 ' 40.8 '' | 7 ° 10 ' 2.0 '' | 7 ° 9 ' 56.4 '' |
18:25 | 216 ° 51 ' 17.3 '' | 6 ° 42 ' 19.4 '' | 6 ° 42 ' 13.4 '' |
18:30 | 217 ° 53 ' 31.1 '' | 6 ° 13 ' 59.1 '' | 6 ° 13 ' 52.8 '' |
18:35 | 218 ° 55 ' 22.1 '' | 5 ° 45 ' 3.0 '' | 5 ° 44 ' 56.1 '' |
18:40 | 219 ° 56 ' 50.6 '' | 5 ° 15 ' 3 2.7 '' | 5 ° 15 ' 25.2 '' |
18:45 | 220 ° 57 ' 56.6 '' | 4 ° 45 ' 30.7 '' | 4 ° 45 ' 22.4 '' |
18:50 | 221 ° 58 ' 40.2 '' | 4 ° 14 ' 5 9.4 '' | 4 ° 14 ' 50.2 ' |
18:55 | 222 ° 59 ' 1.8 '' | 3 ° 44 ' 2.2 '' | 3 ° 43 ' 51.9 '' |
19:00 | 223 ° 59 ' 1.6 '' | 3 ° 12 ' 43.4 '' | 3 ° 12 ' 31.6 '' |
19:05 | 224 ° 58 ' 39.8 '' | 2 ° 41 ' 8.2 '' | 2 ° 40 ' 54.7 '' |
19:10 | 225 ° 57 ' 56.7 '' | 2 ° 9 ' 24 .0 '' | 2 ° 9 ' 8.1 '' |
19:15 | 226 ° 56 ' 52.8 '' | 1 ° 37 ' 40.0 '' | 1 ° 37 ' 21.1 '' |
19:20 | 227 ° 55 ' 28.4 '' | 1 ° 6 ' 8.5 '' | 1 ° 5 ' 45.6 '' |
19:25 | 228 ° 53 ' 44.0 '' | 0 ° 35 ' 4.6 '' | 0 ° 34 ' 36.2 '' |
19:30 | 229 ° 51 ' 39.9 '' | 0 ° 4 ' 43.5 '' | 0 ° 4 ' 7.7 '' |
19:35 | Venus is no longer visible after 19:31. |
The most shining objects are:
All other stellar objects in that area of the sky are much less shining and are stars.
The map below indicates the state of heavenly objects at 06:10 p.m.:
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At 06:30 p.m.:
![]() |
The figures in the preceding table precisely indicate the motion of Venus during the considered timeframe. Two visualizations are proposed in addition: