Eupen Nov. 29, 1989Belgium flapHome 

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The Belgium flap:

November 29, 1989, Belgium sightings

Temperature data for November 29, 1989, in the Eupen area:

This page has as only one intent: to present the meteorological data of the temperature inversion layer in the area of Eupen for November 29, 1989.


The data are from the database of weather balloon soundings at the University of Wyoming's Department of Atmospheric Sciences:

The data below were measured on November 29, 1989 at 12:00Z, 01:00 local time, at the Essen, The Netherlands, station, some hours before the Eupen sightings, indicate that there was a slight temperature inversion layer of a maximal gradient of 1°C located between 720 m and 1240 meters altitude, i.e. about 600 meters above the ground:

The data from the same station as of November 30, 1989 at 00:00Z, some hours after the sightings, indicate a similar temperature inversion layer with a gradient of around 3 or 4°C:

Prof. Auguste Meessen has indicated more local data in his article "Etude approfondie et discussion de certaines observations du 29 novembre", available at under figure 3, measured by a weather balloon released around twelve and another around midnight at Uccle, Brussels. These data indicate the presence of a slight inversion layer just at 500 m.

The raw data of the Essen weather balloon soundings:

10410 EDZE Essen Observations at 12Z 29 Nov 1989

    hPa     m      C      C      %    g/kg    deg   knot     K      K      K 
 1012.0    153    2.4   -1.9     73   3.30     90      1  274.6  283.8  275.2
 1000.0    249    1.6   -3.4     69   2.99                274.8  283.1  275.2
  987.0    354    0.6   -5.4     64   2.60                274.8  282.1  275.2
  976.0    444    0.6   -6.4     59   2.44                275.7  282.6  276.1
  943.0    720    0.8  -16.2     27   1.15                278.6  282.1  278.8
  936.0    780    1.4  -19.6     19   0.87                279.8  282.5  279.9
  925.0    875    1.8  -18.2     21   0.99                281.1  284.2  281.3
  884.0   1240    1.0  -20.0     19   0.89                284.0  286.8  284.1
  870.0   1368    0.2  -21.8     17   0.77                284.4  286.9  284.6
  853.0   1526    0.2  -22.8     16   0.72                286.1  288.4  286.2
  850.0   1554    0.0  -23.0     16   0.71                286.1  288.4  286.3
  823.0   1812   -1.3  -24.3     16   0.65                287.4  289.5  287.5
  798.0   2057   -2.1  -24.1     17   0.69                289.1  291.3  289.2
  767.0   2371   -2.7  -24.7     17   0.68                291.7  294.0  291.9
  700.0   3090   -6.5  -26.5     19   0.63                295.3  297.4  295.4
  694.0   3157   -6.9  -25.9     20   0.67                295.5  297.8  295.7
  685.0   3259   -7.1  -27.1     19   0.61                296.4  298.5  296.5
  662.0   3525   -8.3  -24.3     26   0.81                298.0  300.7  298.1
  589.0   4419  -15.1  -30.1     27   0.54                300.2  302.0  300.3
  570.0   4667  -16.5  -33.5     22   0.40                301.4  302.8  301.4
  501.0   5625  -22.5  -32.5     40   0.50                305.4  307.1  305.5
  500.0   5640  -22.5  -32.5     40   0.50                305.6  307.3  305.6
  489.0   5803  -22.9  -31.9     44   0.54                307.0  308.9  307.1
  451.0   6389  -27.9  -35.9     46   0.40                307.9  309.3  308.0
  446.0   6468  -28.5  -36.5     46   0.38                308.1  309.5  308.2
  432.0   6696  -29.7  -45.7     20   0.15                309.4  310.0  309.4
  411.0   7049  -31.7  -48.7     17   0.11                311.3  311.7  311.3
  400.0   7240  -32.9  -49.9     17   0.10                312.1  312.6  312.2
  300.0   9190  -50.1  -59.1     34   0.04                314.6  314.8  314.6
  250.0  10360  -59.3  -67.3     35   0.02                317.8  317.9  317.8
  211.0  11405  -65.5  -73.5     32   0.01                323.9  323.9  323.9
  200.0  11730  -65.3  -73.3     32   0.01                329.2  329.2  329.2
  150.0  13510  -60.1  -68.1     34   0.03                366.3  366.5  366.4
  100.0  16010  -65.3  -73.3     32   0.02                401.3  401.4  401.3
   70.0  18190  -65.7                                     443.5         443.5
   50.0  20220  -67.9                                     483.1         483.1
   30.0  23280  -69.5                                     554.6         554.6

Station information and sounding indices

                         Station identifier: EDZE
                             Station number: 10410
                           Observation time: 891129/1200
                           Station latitude: 51.40
                          Station longitude: 6.96
                          Station elevation: 153.0
                            Showalter index: 14.91
                               Lifted index: 19.52
    LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 19.57
                                    K index: -20.50
                         Cross totals index: -0.50
                      Vertical totals index: 22.50
                        Totals totals index: 22.00
      Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
             CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
                      Convective Inhibition: 0.00
             CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
  Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 264.92
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 870.45
     Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 275.65
              Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 2.45
              1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5391.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 5.14

10410 EDZE Essen Observations at 00Z 30 Nov 1989

    hPa     m      C      C      %    g/kg    deg   knot     K      K      K 
 1010.0    153   -2.1   -3.2     92   3.00     80      4  270.3  278.5  270.8
 1000.0    235    1.2   -7.8     51   2.13    115      3  274.4  280.4  274.7
  997.0    259    2.4  -10.6     38   1.72    118      3  275.8  280.8  276.1
  978.0    415    2.0  -13.0     32   1.44    136      3  276.9  281.2  277.1
  961.0    556    1.2  -13.8     32   1.38    153      3  277.5  281.6  277.7
  950.0    649    4.0  -17.0     20   1.07    164      4  281.2  284.5  281.4
  932.0    804    3.6  -18.4     18   0.97    182      4  282.4  285.4  282.5
  850.0   1546    0.0  -21.0     19   0.85    270      5  286.1  288.8  286.3
  786.0   2168   -3.1  -24.1     18   0.70    276     10  289.3  291.6  289.4
  768.0   2352   -3.1  -24.1     18   0.71    278     12  291.2  293.5  291.3
  743.0   2613   -4.1  -24.1     19   0.74    280     14  292.9  295.3  293.0
  700.0   3080   -6.9  -25.9     20   0.67    285     18  294.8  297.0  294.9
  676.0   3352   -8.7  -27.7     20   0.58    290     20  295.8  297.7  295.9
  648.0   3678  -11.1  -27.1     25   0.64    295     22  296.6  298.8  296.8
  598.0   4293  -13.9  -30.9     22   0.49    306     25  300.3  302.0  300.4
  579.0   4537  -15.3  -32.3     22   0.44    310     27  301.4  303.0  301.5
  500.0   5630  -23.3  -38.3     24   0.28    330     34  304.6  305.6  304.6
  427.0   6763  -31.5  -44.5     27   0.17    302     31  308.2  308.8  308.2
  403.0   7168  -34.9  -40.9     54   0.27    291     30  308.9  309.9  308.9
  400.0   7220  -35.3  -41.3     54   0.26    290     30  309.0  310.0  309.1
  311.0   8924  -48.5  -56.5     39   0.06    277     38  313.6  313.9  313.6
  300.0   9160  -49.9  -57.9     38   0.05    275     39  314.9  315.1  314.9
  250.0  10330  -57.3  -65.3     35   0.02    290     38  320.8  320.9  320.8
  237.0  10666  -59.5  -67.5     35   0.02    294     35  322.4  322.4  322.4
  219.0  11158  -61.3  -69.3     34   0.02    300     31  326.9  327.0  326.9
  202.0  11658  -61.9  -69.9     34   0.02    304     24  333.6  333.7  333.6
  200.0  11720  -61.1  -69.1     34   0.02    305     23  335.9  335.9  335.9
  198.0  11783  -59.9  -67.9     34   0.02    306     23  338.7  338.8  338.7
  189.0  12074  -59.3  -67.3     35   0.02    312     21  344.2  344.3  344.2
  180.0  12379  -60.3  -68.3     34   0.02    318     19  347.4  347.5  347.4
  153.0  13396  -59.1  -67.1     35   0.03    338     14  366.0  366.1  366.0
  150.0  13520  -59.3  -67.3     35   0.03    340     13  367.7  367.9  367.7
  100.0  16050  -62.3  -70.3     33   0.03    350     13  407.1  407.2  407.1
   70.0  18230  -63.1                         330     21  449.1         449.1

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