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ACUFO is my comprehensive catalog of cases of encounters between aircraft and UFOs, whether they are “explained” or “unexplained”.

The ACUFO catalog is made of case files with a case number, summary, quantitative information (date, location, number of witnesses...), classifications, all sources mentioning the case with their references, a discussion of the case in order to evaluate its causes, and a history of the changes made to the file.

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Singapore, Malaya, on November 5, 1944:

Case number:



Ufology sources in the 2010s indicate that according to the 2007 book “Strange Company - Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II” by Keith Chester, on November 5, 1944, a bomber crew from the command of the XX Bombardment Group was on a bombing mission to its target, Singapore, when they observed “a long purple-blue parabolic trail passed high across the nose of the aircraft at a distance of approximately 400 yards. The object passed the aircraft at the height of the parabola.”

The source is said to be a XXth Bomber Command headquarters operations report, No. 493, dated November 5, 1944.


Temporal data:

Date: November 5, 1944
Time: ?
Duration: ?
First known report date: November 5, 1944
Reporting delay: Hours.

Geographical data:

Country: Malaya
City or place: Singapore

Witnesses data:

Number of alleged witnesses: Several.
Number of known witnesses: ?
Number of named witnesses: 0

Ufology data:

Reporting channel: Military operation report.
Visibility conditions: ?
UFO observed: Yes.
UFO arrival observed: ?
UFO departure observed: ?
UFO action: Passes in front of plane.
Witnesses action:
Photographs: No.
Sketch(s) by witness(es): No.
Sketch(es) approved by witness(es): No.
Witness(es) feelings: ?
Witnesses interpretation: ?


Sensors: [X] Visual: Several.
[ ] Airborne radar:
[ ] Directional ground radar:
[ ] Height finder ground radar:
[ ] Photo:
[ ] Film/video:
[ ] EM Effects:
[ ] Failures:
[ ] Damages:
Hynek: ?
Armed / unarmed: Armed, machine guns.
Reliability 1-3: 2
Strangeness 1-3: 1
ACUFO: Possible meteor or plane.



Case 56

November 5, 1944


One bomber crew of the XX Bombardment command was on a bombing mission on its target Singapore when they observed “a long purple-blue parabolic trail passed high across the nose of the aircraft at a distance of approximately 400 yards. The object passed the aircraft at the height of the parabola.”

Sources: Headquarters, XX Bomber Command, APO #493, Report of operations, 5 November 1944 / Strange companies, Keith Chester, 2007

(Ref. nip1:) "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

(1944) Nov. 5, 1944; Singapore, Malaya

A long purple-blue parabolic trail. (Page 77-78 Ref.1)

The reference 1 is described at the end of the document as “Strange Company (2007), Keith Chester”.


Date: Nov. 5, 1944

Location: Singapore, Malaya


Summary: A long purple-blue parabolic trail.


Aircraft information:

The Boeing B-29 “Superfortress” was the heaviest bomber of the U.S. Army Air Forces, used in operations from May 8, 1944 and on. Its maximum speed was 574 km/h.

Its defensive armament was 12 Browning M2 12.7 mm machine guns.




The "XX Bomber Command" was a United States Army Air Forces bomber formation with XXth Air Force, equipped with B-29s. It was based in India in the Spring of 1944 and later in China.

The report is of low strangeness and nothing seems to indicate that the witnesses thought otherwise.

The long streak could have been a meteor, or a plane on fire or leaking fuel in the setting sun.


Possible meteor or plane.

Sources references:

* = Source is available to me.
? = Source I am told about but could not get so far. Help needed.

File history:


Main author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history:

Version: Create/changed by: Date: Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross October 30, 2023 Creation, [dwn2], [nip1], [tai1].
1.0 Patrick Gross October 30, 2023 First published.

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This page was last updated on October 30, 2023.