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The 1954 French flap:

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Autumn, 1954, Guéret, Creuse:

Reference for this case: Aut-54-Guéret.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


In 1973, a catalog of observations in the Creuse indicated that in Autumn 1954 at 06:45 p.m., as night fell, in Guéret, Mr. Lecointe had seen from the courtyard of the former Post office, avenue de la République, an object resembling a rocket, of dark color, pointed at the front, with "illuminated portholes", followed by a short orange luminous trail.

It was moving at high speed and noiselessly from the Northeast to the Southwest.

This was the result of an investigation by either Jean Giraud or Jean Gérard Dohmen.



014 AUT/../1954 - 06:45 p.m.° - GUERET - Witness Mr. Lecointe

From the court of the old Post office, avenue de la République.

As it began to get dark, the witness saw an object ressembling a rocket, of dark color, pointed at the front, with "lighted portholes", followed of a short luminous orange-colored trail. It moved at high speed and without noise from N E to S W.

(Pers. investigation)





(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Guéret, Creuse, Lecointe, dark, object, rocket, pointed, trail, luminous, orange, fast, portholes, lighted, silent


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross June 9, 2019 First published.

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This page was last updated on June 9, 2019.