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November 4, 1954, Villers-Tournelle, Somme:

Reference for this case: 4-Nov-54-Villers-Tournelle.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


In an article on page 3 of the regional newspaper Le Courrier Picard for November 5, 1954, several sightings were ported, including this one:

It was reported on the evening of November 4, 1954, to this newspaper, that two residents of Villers-Tournelle had seen, on the morning of November 4, 1954, a luminous craft.




The Courier of the Somme

A bright "spinning top"
flew over the regions of Moreuil
and Ailly-sur-Noye

In the "saucers" file, today we add three testimonies which cannot be tainted with exaggeration or fantasy. They come from Mr. Pierre Duval, jeweler in Montdidier, his wife and her grandmother, Mrs. Delorme. Our fellow citizens returned from Amiens by car during the night of Wednesday to Thursday. It was 11:15 p.m. when, some 300 meters from Moreuil, they saw, in the sky, at low altitude, a kind of orange "spinning top", rigorously motionless.

The thing lit the sky a little like the sun at sunset. Mr. Duval stopped and put his headlights on hold. The "top" then moved away quickly in the direction of Ailly-sur-Noye. It was soon nothing more than a dot, like a red traffic light, and returned at a very high speed, appreciably to the place it had left, and lower still, it seems. Then it slid at breakneck speed to get lost on the horizon.

The phenomenon had lasted ten minutes. Mr. Duval cannot claim that it was a craft, but he is certain, like his wife, that he was not the victim of a hallucination. As for Mrs. Delorme, she admits having been deeply impressed, especially when the "top" returned to the car.

None of the three witnesses assesses the size of the orange mass whose contours were not clear, but all three agree that the propulsion speed far exceeds that of jet planes.

The "saucer" - you have to give it a name - has moved in the region limited by Rouvrel Sains-en-Amiénois, Estrées-sur-Noye and Guyencourt, said Mr. Duval, road map in hand.

It is possible that other motorists have encountered the mysterious flying top.

We were informed last night that two residents of Villers-Tournelle also saw a luminous object yesterday morning.


Yesterday, around 4:50 p.m., nine workers from the Galland firm, road of Rouen in Amiens, saw, very high in the sky, a round and luminous "object" which was moving from east to west.

The mysterious craft stopped for a few moments and resumed its course to disappear on the horizon.

A mysterious machine
in the sky of Camon

Here, on the other hand, is a series of credible testimonies which are currently shaking the whole little town of Camon.

There was Wednesday evening at the town hall of the town a meeting of the Municipal Council which was to examine the ritual multiplicity of tax claims.

It is around 9:45 p.m. that this meeting ended. When the attendees found themselves on the steps of the town hall, they all saw, without exception, the following phenomenon:

Four red balls, veined like agaths, were "installed" in the sky a few hundred meters high. They seemed to designate the four corners of a hanging rectangle, the short sides at the top and bottom.

First immobilized, the balls began to descend slowly above the presbytery garden. At this moment some of the witnesses saw under the reflection of the moon a pale dome which covered the red lights. Then the two lower lights, remaining at an equal distance from each other seemed to detach and lower further towards the ground, the relief of which they seemed to explore.

The maneuver had lasted five minutes when one of the witnesses invited the others to "rush" towards the place of the red lights. This witness was Mr. Brunel, former mayor of Camon, who was with the current mayor, Mr. Garçon, of MM. Masse, deputy, of M. Pertuisot, country gardener, and of MM. Blanquart and Lottin, dispatchers.

Mr. Brunel knocked on the door of the grocery store opposite and the merchant's son rushed out in his garden which borders the place where the fires were operating.

Climbing the fence walls he saw in turn the red lights which, on his arrival, went up a few meters and fled horizontally towards Amiens, at a dizzying speed such as he it took barely a few seconds to disappear.

At 9:40 p.m., Mr. Batellino, plasterer, who lives near the Town Hall, had seen the four red globes pass over a neighboring house. But at that time, the luminous balls which could have a meter fifty in diameter at the hardly appreciable distance where they were seen, were following each other.


A teacher from the canton of Nesle came to our office in Péronne yesterday afternoon to report a strange phenomenon that he noted, as well as his wife and daughter, who accompanied him by car, Sunday, around 7:55 p.m., at the exit of Péronne.

As he was about to reach Nesle, he saw arriving from the direction of Barleux, an orange body shaped like a crescent. It was not at high altitude and the motorist estimated the distance between it to 500 meters. This appearance lasted at most a minute, then suddenly the body in question tipped and gradually the two ends came together to finally make a kind of cone.

This phenomenon, which moved from right to left, stopped above the national road, then set off again very quickly, taking a great height, in the direction of Amiens. That is to say, according to the witness, in the opposite direction to that followed previously.

The importance of the illuminated mass was such and so close it was that it could not be confused. Our informant, who did his military service in the weather services, cannot provide any other details, but he thinks he must not have been the only one to have noticed this phenomenon.



Spinning top, ball, cone,
it's always
flying saucers!

Since the beginning of the week, the round of mysterious flying machines has resumed in the Picardy sky.

It is a jeweler from Montdidier, Mr. Duval, who, with his wife and her grandmother, sees an orange spinning top move, for ten minutes, above Rouvrel, Sains-en-Amiénois, Estrées-sur-Noye and Guyancourt.

Residents of Villers-Tournel confirm this statement.

In Camon, near Amiens, it is the entire municipal council which, its meeting over, contemplated for five minutes, four red balls moving at low altitude, then fleeing in single line towards Amiens.

Near Péronne, at nightfall, a teacher, his wife and his daughter also witness the moves of a mysterious machine who finally heads for Amiens.

Same version given by Mr. Loffroy, mayor, and Mr. Buttin teacher in Carrepuis.



Totally insufficient information, but probably the 07:15 a.m. meteor.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Villers-Tournelle, Somme, luminous, morning, craft


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross February 8, 2020 First published.
1.1 Patrick Gross October 7, 2021 Addition [vdn1].

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